E-Mail Configuration

This page describers E-Mail server configuration

Apica Ascent insights can be configured to send emails to notify alerts. It uses smtp mail and requires following information for configuration:

  1. Mail Server DNS/IP

  2. Mail service/relay port for SMTP e.g. 25 or 465/587 (TLS/SSL)

  3. Username for the mail service/relay

  4. Password for the user above in 3

  5. Default Sender E-Mail: The send e-mails will show up as from this sender

  6. Depending on what port you are using and support at the mail service/relay, select either SSL/TLS to be enabled

The E-mail configuration is a global configuration and is available only to the admin user

The default sender e-mail in most cases will need to be a verified e-mail address from the Mail service/relay provider

The following attributes can be setup by Apica Ascent admin on UI.

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